iphone service code | Iphone Tips - Indiafix

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iphone service code | Iphone Tips



Modern smartphones store a lot of secrets, and the iPhone is no exception. And it's not about the snooping chip that Edward Snowden, a former employee of the NSA, told us about. 

Not everyone knows, but for the iPhone special secret codes are available, with which you can get various information about the device, operator and cellular network. Many users do not even know about the existence of such a function.


Using special character combinations, you can learn IMEI, configure incoming and outgoing calls, enable anonymous calls, declassify call forwarding. The following commands must be entered in the Phone application.

  1.   *# 06 # - show the unique IMEI number of the smartphone. The team works on any mobile phones.
  2.    *3001 # 12345 # * - a hidden menu with information about the SIM card, cellular operator network, signal strength, etc.
  3.   * # 43 # - show information about the call waiting.
  4.   * 43 # - enable call waiting.
  5.   # 43 # - turn off call waiting.
  6.   * # 21 # - information about redirecting calls, messages and other data.
  7.   ## 002 # - disable call forwarding.
  8.   * # 33 # - show the status of blocking outgoing services, such as calls, SMS and other data.
  9.   * 33 * # - enable call blocking.
  10.   # 33 * # - disable call blocking.
  11.   # 31 # phone number - block the caller ID for the current call.
  12.   * 3370 # - Enable full-bit coding mode. Improves the quality of communication, but reduces the battery life of the smartphone.
  13.   # 3370 # - disable full-bit coding mode.
  14.   * # 5005 * 7672 # - show the number of the service center for the current cellular operator.

It is necessary to proceed with caution when applying these codes. An erroneous administrator team can lead to undesirable consequences or disrupt the operation of the smartphone.

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